Understanding the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) Program:


In an era where environmental sustainability is as crucial as economic thriftiness, the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program stands out as a hope for Victorians looking to cut down on their power bills and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This initiative is a step towards a greener future and a practical solution for households and businesses seeking to lower their energy expenses.

What is the Victorian Energy Upgrades Program?

The Victorian Energy Upgrades program, implemented by the Victorian government, allows residents and businesses to access discounted energy-saving products and services. The goal is to make energy efficiency improvements more affordable, reduce energy bills, and contribute to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

How Does the Program Work?

The program works by creating certificates for every tonne of greenhouse gas reduced through energy-saving activities. These certificates are then purchased by energy retailers, who are obliged to meet government-set targets. This system effectively subsidizes the cost of energy-efficient products and services for consumers.

Partnering with First Choice Heating and Cooling

First Choice Heating and Cooling, a renowned provider of heating and cooling solutions, plays a pivotal role in facilitating Victorians to take advantage of the VEU program. By offering products and services that align with the program’s requirements, they help customers upgrade to more energy-efficient systems while enjoying the benefits of reduced costs.

Examples of Savings with Appliance Upgrades

To give you a clearer picture, let's look at some examples of how replacing older appliances with energy-efficient ones through the VEU program can lead to significant savings:

Note: The above figures are estimations and may vary depending on individual usage patterns and the specific models of appliances.

Would you happen to know how to Get Started?

To benefit from the VEU program with First Choice Heating and Cooling:

  1. Assessment: Contact First Choice to assess your current appliances and energy usage.

  2. Recommendations: Receive expert advice on which appliances could be replaced or upgraded for maximum efficiency and savings.

  3. Installation: Have the new, energy-efficient appliances installed by qualified professionals from First Choice.

  4. Enjoy Savings: Start experiencing reduced energy bills and contribute to a greener environment.


The Victorian Energy Upgrades program is an excellent opportunity for Victorians to embrace energy efficiency. By working with First Choice Heating and Cooling, residents can upgrade their appliances to more energy-efficient models and play a part in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It's a win-win situation where you save on energy bills and contribute to a sustainable future.

Remember, making small changes in your daily energy usage can lead to significant savings and environmental benefits in the long run. Start your journey towards a more energy-efficient home or business today!


What you need to consider with the VEU program


Why would someone not want to apply for the VEU rebate?